Direction Read the following passage and find a suitable answer to each of the questions out of the set of options after each question.
A special form of sleep, or really torpor, is peculiar to a variety of animals during the winter months. This is called hibernation. A leading authority says: “It should he stressed that hibernation is not ordinary sleep occuring in the winter.” Nor is it the peculiarity of any one class of animal; a variety of individual animals in many different families exhibit it. In all such animals hibernation starts with ordinary sleep, and then-slowly merges into the deep torpor. or in some animals the almost lifeless condition of their existence during several months. Hibernation is not casual, but prepared for beforehand: some animals building quite elaborate nests for themselves into which they retire to spend the winter. Of the vertebrate animals in this country the best hibernators are the dormice, hedgehogs. hats, snakes and frogs. In other countries, in addition to these, are the bears and sense squirrels and badgers, as well many smaller animals.
Hibernating animals get into holes in the roots of trees and tree trunks, under stone walls, in dry earth hanks and so on, and many of them line these nests with dry leaves or grass and scraps. The most elaborate of these are the nests of the dormice, made of a network of dry grasses closely woven and very warm; the tiny holes in the network allow of ventilation, but the remarkable thing is that the dormouse entirely encloses itself in this nest, finishing it off from the inside. Once in, it looks as though it is quite impossible that it ever could have got in. for it leaves no sign of a hole for entry.
1. Hibernation, according to the passage, is a special form of site’s during
(A) any time of the year
(B) summer
(C) winter
2. During hibernation some animals
(A) have ordinary sleep
(B) begin with torpor
(C) slip into almost lifeless condition
3. One of the following is not a vertebrate animal
(A) dormice
(B) snake
(C) wild oat
(D) frog
4. Hibernating animals sleep in holes in roots of trees, tree trunks and
(A) drain pipes
(B) stone walls
(C) river beds
5. The most comfortable holes are those of
(A) hedgehogs
(B) badgers
(C) squirrels
(D) dormice
6. One of the following statements is not true
(A) in some countries even bears are known to hibernate
(B) the hole of the dormice has elaborate ventilation
(C) the dormice seals itself off in the hole
7. One of the following is not used by the hibernating animals to line their holes
(A) scraps
(B) dry leaves
(C) strands of hair
(D) grass