What do you mean by maintenance?

What do you mean by maintenance? Give its nature and extent under old as well as modern Hindu Law. Who are the persons entitled...

What is Custom and explain its various kinds?

What is Custom and explain its various kinds? What are the essentials of a Valid Custom under Hindu Law ? Or Examine the importance...

Whether a murderer inherit the property of a Hindu dying intestate?

Whether a murderer inherit the property of a Hindu dying intestate? Explain the rule of law with regard to a murderer's qualification or otherwise...

Explain the origin and nature of Hindu Law

Explain the origin and nature of Hindu Law. Ans. Origin and Nature of Hindu Law.—The Hindu system of jurisprudence is a well-developed science. It is as...

What are the various kinds of Guardians under Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956.

What do you mean by a minor ? What are the various kinds of Guardians under Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956. Explain their respective...

Explain Hindu Women’s estate. Explain its nature and special features.

Explain Hindu Women's estate. Explain its nature and special features. Or Examine the right to the property of a Hindu female under S.14 of...

Discuss the properties which are liable for the payment of personal debt of a...

Discuss the properties which are liable for the payment of personal debt of a Hindu?Are sons under pious obligation for the payment of their...

What are the powers and duties of a Mahant and a Shebait ?

What are the powers and duties of a Mahant and a Shebait ? Ans. Powers and duties of Mahant.—The Mahant has the right to enjoy...

What is the right of pre-emption with regard to the Hindu Succession Act ?

What is the right of pre-emption with regard to the Hindu Succession Act ? Explain fully. Ans. Right of pre-emption under Hindu Succession Act.—Section 22...
sources of hindu law

Mention the sources of Hindu Law and point out the relative importance of each.

Mention the sources of Hindu Law and point out the relative importance of each. Ans. Sources of Hindu Law.—It would be convenient to classify the...