
LL.B. Annual Examination, 2016


Constitutional Law of India (K-105) (Old Pattern)

TIME. Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Note : This paper is divided into three Sections – A, B and C. Section-A contains Descriptive Answer Questions, Section-B con-tains Short Answer Questions and Section-C contains Very Short Answer Questions. Attempt all the sections as per instructions.

Section – A

(Descriptive Answer Questions)

Note: This section contains six questions. At-tempt any three questions. Each questions carries 20 marks.

1. “The Indian Constitution establishes a system of Government which is almost quasi-federal, a unitary State with a subsidiary fed-eral features rather than a federal State with subsidiary unitary features.” Discuss in the light of above statement.

2. Discuss critically the reservation policy In edu-cational Institutions as contained under In-dian Constitution. Refer to decided cases.

3. “Right to life’ means not merely the right to the continuance of a person’s animal existence, but it means right to live with human dignity”. Discuss above statement in the light of Maneka Gandhi. v. Union of India judgement.

4. The idea of secularism Is Implicit In the several provisions of the Constitution. Discuss. Explain the scope of freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propaga-tion of religion. Refer to decided cases.

5. The Indian Judiciary has diluted the “doctrine of Sovereign immunity” in determining tor-tious liability of State. Discuss.

6. To what extent the Parliament can amend the Constitution under Article 368 of Indian Constitution? Discuss with the help of de-cided cases.

Section – B

(Short Answer Questions)

Note : This section contains three questions. At-tempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

7. What parliamentary privileges are prescribed under the Indian Constitution? Explain.

8. Discuss the appellate jurisdiction of the Su-preme Court of India.

9. When and in what circumstances can Parliament legislate on matters enumerated in the State List?

Section – C

(Very Short Answer Questions)

Note : This question contains five parts, attempt all five parts. Each part carries 4 marks.

10. I) Doctrine of colourable legislation.

(ii) Importance of the Preamble of the Con-stitution.

(iii) Appropriation Bill

(iv) Doctrine of Double Jeopardy.

(v) Write down the procedure of the elec-tion of the President of India.