Petition u/s 205 Cr.P.C. to Dispense with Personal Attendance of Accused:



First Class Magistrate,

Patiala House Court (New Delhi)

Gr. Case No…………of 2022



Ram Chander & Sons…………..Accused

Petition u/s 205 Cr. on behalf of the petitioner/accused is as follows:

(i) That the petitioner is an accused in the above noted case and is aged about 72 years.

(ii) That the petitioner/accused has received summons from this Hon’ble court on dated………..

(iii) That the petitioner is suffering from chronic heart problems and also suffering high blood pressure and other diseases.

(iv) That the petitioner is not in position to attend each and every date of the case.

(v) That the petitioner wants to be represented through his lawyer and undertakes to be present physically as and when required by the court.

Therefore, it is prayed that Hon’ble this court may kindly be pleased to dispense with the personal attendance of the accused and permit him to appear through his lawyer.

Dated: ……………..




Arun Singh
Ch. 969, B. S. Mehta Square,
Near Gate no. 4, Patiala House Court,
New Delhi – 110001