
What is precedent ? Point out its characteristic features. When it can be disregarded...

What is precedent ? Point out its characteristic features. When it can be disregarded by state ?  Ans. Judicial...

What are essentials for the creation of a valid endowment? What are its kinds...

Write a critical notes on religious endowment. Now is it created? What are essentials for the creation of a valid endowment? What are its...
jurisdiction Supreme Court

Describe the scope of jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to grant special leave to...

Describe the scope of jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to grant special leave to appeal under Article 136 of the Constitution. Ans. Appeals by Special...

When does Custom become law? Point out the views of Austin in this regard...

When does Custom become law? Point out the views of Austin in this regard critically. What do you understand by the term...
Constitution CCSU LLB

Constitutional Law of India -2 CCSU LL.B. 2nd Semester Examination, June 2016 Law –...

12208 LL.B. (II Semester) Exam.- .June, 2016 Law Constitutional Law of India-II K-2002 Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 100 Note: Attempt all the sections as per instructions. Section-A Note:...

A bequest to unborn person, is void in Hindu Law. How far has this...

A bequest to unborn person, is void in Hindu Law. How far has this maxim of pure Hindu Law been modified by statute ? Ans....

Distinguish between of the followings, Perfect right and Imperfect right, Right in rem and...

Distinguish between of the followings:— (i) Perfect right and Imperfect right, (ii) Right in rem and...

Explain the grounds of divorce and judicial separation as provided to a Hindu spouse...

Explain the grounds of divorce and judicial separation as provided to a Hindu spouse in the Hindu marriage act, 1955. Or On what specific...
Hindu Succession Act, 1956

What is the object of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 and explain its main features,...

What is the object of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 and explain its main features, scope and application? Ans. Object...

Explain the relation between the Possession and Ownership

Explain the relation between the possession and ownership . Ans. Possession and Ownership Possession is in fact, ownership is...