Modes of Termination of Agency

Explain the different modes of termination of agency. In what manner and circumstances can agency be revoked ? Or When does a...
The Constitution of India, 1950 Article 1 50

The Constitution of India, 1950 (Article 1-50)

Preamble WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its...

When does Custom become law? Point out the views of Austin in this regard...

When does Custom become law? Point out the views of Austin in this regard critically. What do you understand by the term...
fiction of law

कानून की कल्पना से आप क्या समझते हैं?

प्र. कानून की कल्पना से आप क्या समझते हैं? उत्तर- कानून की कथा- ऐतिहासिक स्कूल (इंग्लैंड के) के महान...

Define ownership. What are various elements of ownership

Q.8. Define ownership. What are various elements of ownership?  Ans. Meaning.—The conception of ownership like that of possession is...

Discuss the objectives, importance and types of tax planning.

Discuss the objectives, importance and types of tax planning.  Ans. Objectives of Tax Planning Tax planning, in fact, is an honest and rightful approach to...

Explain the relation between the Possession and Ownership

Explain the relation between the possession and ownership . Ans. Possession and Ownership Possession is in fact, ownership is...

Discuss the relation between Law and Morals. Is there law in morals and morals...

Discuss the relation between Law and Morals. Is there law in morals and morals in law ? Ans. Relation...
surety is discharged

Explain when a surety is discharged or not discharged from his liability ?

Explain when a surety is discharged or not discharged from his liability ? Or Under what circumstances is a surety discharged? Ans. Discharge of...

What is Custom and explain its various kinds?

What is Custom and explain its various kinds? What are the essentials of a Valid Custom under Hindu Law ? Or Examine the importance...