A libel is the publication of a false and defamatory statement , in permanent form , tending to injure the reputation of another person , without lawful justification or excuse .

Where as a slander is the false and defamatory oral or verbal statement , in some transitory form , tending to injure the reputation of another person , without lawful justification or excuse .

The points of distinctions between Libel and Slander can be shown in the tabular form as follows .

1. Written.
Libel is addressed to the eye . It is written form of defamation. 
On the other hand , slander is addressed to the ear . It is a spoken form of defamation .
2. Permanent.
Libel is a kind of defamation which is in a permanent form , as for examples , a statue , effigy , caricature or phonographic record or the like .
Slander is a kind of defamation which is in a transient form whether by spoken words or by significant gestures .
3. Whether actionable per se.
Libel is actionable per se .Without proving special damage an action against Libel is maintainable .
Whether actionable per se.
But Slander is not actionable per se except in five cases as excepted .
4. Malice.
Libel suggests the presence of malice as it requires a greaterdeliberation .
Slander does not suggest the presence of malice as it is uttered in the heat of moment and under a sudden provocation .
5. Publisher.
The actual publisher of the libel may be innocent regarding the libelous matter and he may not be liable for that .
On the otherhand , in case of slander , the publisher acts consciously and voluntarily , and so he may not be innocent but he is the guilty .
6. Tort / Crime.
In England , Libel is both a civil wrong and a criminal offence .
Tort/ Crime.
On the other hand , in England , slander is a civil wrong only and not a crime .
In India Slander is both a civil wrong and a criminal offence . 
7. Limitation.
Under the English Statutes of limitation , an action of libel is barred after six years .
In India , the period of limitation is one year .
Under the English Statutes of limitation , an action of slander is barred after two years .
In India , the period of limitation is one year .