
Absolute Privilege and Qualified Privilege

Absolute privilege and qualified privilege are two legal concepts that provide protection against defamation claims. They are often invoked in situations where...

Servant and an Independent contractor

The essential distinction between a servant and an independent contractor may be shown by the following tabular form .

Describe the Maxim Ubi jus ibi remedium.

Describe the Maxim Ubi jus ibi remedium. Ans. Ubi jus ibi remedium - This maxim means that where there is...

Qui facit per alium facit per se

The maxim ‘ qui facit per alium facit per se ‘ means that he who does an act through another does it...

Injuria sine Damnum

This maxim ‘ Injuria sine Damnum ‘ is just opposite to the maxim ‘ damnum sine injuria’ . The word ‘ damnum ‘...

Tort and Consumer Protection Act 1st Semester 1st Year CCSU Important Question

Q. 1. Discuss briefly the origin and development of Law of Torts in India. Q. 2. Define tort and...

Justification and Fair Comment

Defamation is categorised as felonious tort meaning thereby it is civil wrong as well as crime . One can take both the...

De minimis non curat lex

The maxim de minimis non curat lex actually means that the law does not take any account of the trivial matters .

Public nuisance and Private nuisance

Blackstone defined a nuisance as something that “ worketh hurt , inconvenience or damages .” The term nuisance has been derived from...

Discuss the rule of Strict Liability & Absolute Liability.

Ques. Discuss the rule of strict liability & Absolute liability. Ans. Strict liability - This is a famous rule of English...