- Importance. (Discuss & Solve Common & Global problems, Share ideas & Experience. Too large to be ignored etc). Problems. (Member Opposition. Inchoate group i.e, No Common vision. Wide political & economic differences. More Observers may Overwhelm primary members => influence agenda). Solution. (Clear target & priority areas.Political differences -> co operation. Administration: Non hierarchial & Equality i.e, Rotational e.g, NAM. Formal discussion –> Private discussion for frank discussions).
- NAM Relevance 1961. (Unique administration. Origin in 3rd world desire to preserve peace, independence & create external environment conductive to development. Members benefit. (Discuss & Solve Common & Global problems, Share ideas & Experience etc. Multilateral institutions West biased => Enables take independent Global position). Challenges remain. (E.g, Political. (Multi polarity, Cold war revival, UN weakening, Pivot initiatives, Disarmament etc). Economic. (21th CE Neo colonialism). Others like Climate change, HR protection etc). By sheer size, too large a group to be irrelevant).
- SAARC 1985. (8 Member, 9 oberver 1985. 3% area, 20% population). India’s role: SAARC 70% area & population. All Share boundary => Special responsibility. SAFTA 2004/ 2006. Under Tarrif Liberation Prog, 0 Duty by 2016. But, under Early Harvest Prog India, Pakistan & Lanka already reduced duty to 0 in 2012. SAARC Development Fund India’s initiative). Ineffectiveness. (Hobbled by Pak Oppostion. E.g, MVA was stalled by last minute objection. Also unjustified suspicion about India trying to dominate group. Wide economic & Political disparity. Incohate Group etc). Reforms. (Political differences -> co operation)). Economic Co operation. (All Charter objectives directly or indirectly targets. SAPTA 1993/ 1995, economic integration by concession. Considers differential development level => Special & Differential treatment to Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh & Maldives. SAFTA 2004/ 2006. Ultimate goal SA Economic Union). China inclusion issue. (Observers 2005. More observers might overwhelm primary members => Influence agenda. Pakistan i.e, all weather friend supports. But > hobbled by China India Opposition. China authoratarian, not democracy. China East Asian not South. China strength may benefit SAARC).
- BIMSTEC. (6 –>14 Priority Areas. SAARC hobbbled by Pakistan hostility, in ASEAN huge Chinese influence, also only Summit level partner. Projects: IMT Trilateral, Kaladan Multi Model project etc). BCIM Corridor FTA. (Link BoB i.e, SW China, NER, Bangladesh & Myanmmar. => Revive Southern Silk Road. Multi model connectivity i.e, free flow of G&S, capital, capital, people & ideas. NER’s Market. However, Yunan province most developed => Dominate & India –> Minor participant).
- ASEAN Bangkok 1967. (Member & Region Sustainable development. ASEAN Vision 2020: ASEAN Economic Community. Liberalization i.e, eliminate tarrif & Non tarrif barriers. => Free flow of G&S, capital, people & ideas etc. ARF i.e,
ASEAN Regional Forum 1994, informal dialogue for regional peace).
- G 20, 1999. (G 7 established > Asian financial crisis. But, 1st Summit 2008. 90% GDP, 80% population. Unique: Developed & emerging sit as equals. Brisbane action plan 2014 i.e, extra global growth). Relevance. (Shows G 7 needs Emerging nations like India to protect global economy from vulnerabilities. => Opportunity to work with developed nation & reduce N/S gap. Critics: Only symbolic value. Inchoate group).
- BRICS. (New Development Bank. (Fortleza declearation. Registered Capital $ 100 billion bank, Initial capital $50 billion equally divided. Contingency Reserve Fund $100 billion to deal BoP crisis. 41% China, 5% South Africa & others 18%. Significance. (1st major challenge to Global Economic order –> Multi polarity. Fund BRICS infra project > Low & Middle income countries). Need. (Bretton twins issues i.e West biased. Unable/ Unwilling to meet growing needs). BRICS Strength. (Emerging power & Over came differences). Success. (Will depend Credit effectiveness & GRM. Wide disparity i.e, only Russia & China CA Surplus. Russia & India v China conflict. Subscribed capital < WB & ADB. If China unable to dominate, may priortize AIIB). 7 th BRICS Summit, Ufa, Russia, 2015. (PM proposed Das Kadam including fair trade, SAIs Co operation etc). Outcomes. (Ufa Declaration. Criticized Double Standards. China & Russia supported others UNSC Claims).
- Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. (Asian infra projects. Registered capital $100 billion). Need. (Bretton twins issues. Help develop Silk route free of West influence. Soft power). Significance for India. (Fund access. 1st major challenge to Global economic order. Multi polarity issues. India 2nd major shareholder. Each member allocated Quota A/q Economy Size. Thus, China 26% Votes weilds veto, contradicting promise. World Bank proposed “Global Infra Facility”). India IBSA. (Brasilia declaration 2003. S S Co operation. China absence, otherwise huge influence. Common problem. Complementarity. In some sector India strength even better than EU & China. Coverging interest. Real South South Co operation body. IBSAMAR i.e, maritime component)). IOR ARC 1997. (HQ Mauritius, 20 members. Member & Region Sustainable development.
6 Priority areas. 20 members –> Iran to Australia. Covers 5 Regional groups i.e, SAARC, ASEAN, GCC, SADC & COMESA.
Intra IOR trade only 20%.
). SCO 2001. (Prime focus:
Central Asian Peace & security etc. Diversified to include Intelligence sharing, joint exercises etc. Critics: to counter NATO. US applied for Observer Status 2005, but rejected).
- Bank for International Settlement. (Basel, Switzerland. CBs International Organization. Monetary Stability & transparency). Asian Development Bank 1996. (Manila. Regional bank i.e, Asia Pacific). Mekong Ganga Co operation 2000. (Vientiane decleration. India & 5 SEA nations. Asian Highway Project & East West Corridor Project). G 4. (India, Germany, Japan & Brazil. Only purpose: Support each other UNSC claim. 2 African Nations in enlarged UNSC. Agreed not Use veto power for > 15 years).
- Some treaty. (Marrakesh treaty. (Largest % in India. Only 7 % books in accessible format. 20 WIPO members). Arms trade treaty. (Multilateral treaty, regulate Weapon trade. Prohibits export if may be used for MAC. Allows Exporters Unilaterally cancel contracts. No provision to prevent arms flow to Non State Actors & excludes gifts, grenades, drones)).
- Syrian Civil War 2010. (UNSC Disagreement: Prolonged crisis & Changed nature: Popular uprising i.e, Arab Spring inspired –> Secretarian. India & Syria. (Condemn all violence & HR violations irrespective of perptuators. Promotes peaceful & inclusive solution). R 2 P. Responsibility to protect 2005. (To prevent Mass Atrocity Crimes like Genocide etc. Stakeholders: UN, Countries, VOs etc. 3 pillars: State R to protect citizen. Globe R to assist. If State fails/ unwilling, R to Coerce like Economic sanction, Military intervention etc. But last resort, > GA & UNSC Sanction. E.g, Libya 2011. Criticism: P 5 Abuse possibility). India USA. (US Pivot or Rebalance to Asia. Engage Country & Regional Organization. Broad military presence => May China aggressive. 1/3rd trade East Asian. $ 200 b by 2020).
- Soft power. ( Global north. (High Human Development (> 50 Countries) in UN HDI. Most not all in NH). Global South. (Medium & Low). < N/S gap. (By North. (Capitalism). By South. (South South Co operation. Global Reforms etc). UN efforts. (MDGs)).
- UNSC Refoms. (UNGA Unanimously adopted text for UNSC Reform. Need. (Reflect changes since 1945 like Multilpolarity. => Developing Countries emergence. But, P5 Still ~ take all Crucial decisions. Worse, Conflict among P5 reduced Effectiveness. E.g., Syria, Iraq etc. Changed fight character in Syria. To make it more representative). Why India membership: Founding member, peaceful Foreign policy i.e, “Vasudeva Kutumbakam” UN Core requirement, Largst UN PKF Contributer. Political. G 7, G 20 member => Logical extension. Economic. 2nd fastest growing, 3rd in PPP. Demography i.e, 1/6th => Representative etc). Opposition. (Coffee Club led by Italy 1990. Counters G 4 . 25 Member UNSC with more Non Permanent member than few more Permanent Member). US favors only Modest expansion, and Russia no veto power. Fear getting sidelined). Conclusion. (G 4 Should continue Multilateral diplomacy for Consensus. P5 Should behave responsibly).
- Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas. (Mark OCI Contribution. Discuss/ solve Common problem. Share ideas/ experience. Netowking etc). Poor Migrant Policy. (3 Ministry i.e, MOIA, MHA, MEA. Emigration Clearance only 9 location. => High emigration cost + delay. No Rehabilitation Policy on return). International Labor mobility. (Now max & rising. Hetrogenous i.e, even N–>S. Constrictive pyramid => demands). Issues: International Convention ~ un ratified. ~ Bilateral Agreement Remittance centric than Welfare. Stringent immigration policies). Solution: Bilateral agreement, easy to negotiate, flexible).