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Constitution CCSU LLB

Constitutional Law of India (Nature of the Constitutions and Fundamental Rights) CCSU LL.B (1...

11162 LL. B. (I Sem.) Examination, Dec. 2015 LAW-II Constitutional Law...
company Law

Company Law 4th Semester 2nd Year CCSU, Meerut Important Questions

Q.1a).What do you understand by the Company? Explain its nature advantages. Q.1b). Explain the doctrine of lifting the veil and discuss the circumstances under which...

Family Law-1 (Hindu Law) CCSU LL.B. 2nd Semester Examination, June 2016 Law – III...

12209 LL.B. (II Semester) Exam.- June, 2016 Family Law-I (Hindu Law)...

Family Law (Muslim Law) CCSU LL.B. 3rd Semester Examination, December 2016 Law – 1...

13166 LL.B. (III Semester) Exam.- December, 2016  Family Law ( Muslim Law) 

Public International Law CCSU LL.B. 3rd Semester Examination, December 2016 Law-2 K-3002

13167 LL.B. (III Semester) Exam.- December, 2016  Public International Law 
Civil Procedure Code

Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act CCSU LL.B. 5th Semester Examination, December 2017 Law-1...

12251 LL.B. Examination, Dec. 2017 Law Civil Procedure Code...

Indian Legal and Constitutional History CCSU LLB Annual Examination, 2016

Section - A (Descriptive Answer Questions) Note: This Section contains six questions, attempt any three questions....

Law of Taxation CCSU LL.B. 2nd Semester Examination, June 2016 Law – VI K-2006

12212 LL.B. (II Semester) Exam.- June, 2016 Law of Taxation

Jurisprudence (Legal Concepts) CCSU LL.B. II Semester Examination, June 2015 K-2001

12207 LL.B. II Semester Examination, June 2015 Jurisprudence (Legal Concepts)